lunes, 13 de abril de 2020

Dances With Wolves, Dinner Times, Bears Lost. Jewish Hits, Hogs And Dogs, $ Cents. Shooting Curves Ball Games, Pitchers Writers, Tips To Tales:

Image may contain: cat, possible text that says 'I don't care what you think of me! Unless you think I'm awesome in which case, you're right! Carry on...'

Hands out to cheer, hands out to clap, good job, done well, thanks for the shows. Gifts to share, gifts given, sons with skills, lots of love and hate, on the big screens. Dances With Wolves, Dinner Times, Bears Lost. Jewish Hits, Hogs And Dogs, $ Cents. Shooting Curves Ball Games, Pitchers Writers, Tips To Tales: 

History Not News Today. Balls Online. Birds And Bees, Dogwood Trees, Honey Dews, Sounds In The Woods.Clear Blue Skies, Blue Dreams In The Air, Glory Dazes Of Spring.Freaks, Frogs, Snakes, Alligators In The Woods, Walks In The Parks; Tricks.Moozie's Cow Wisdom For Life's Little Beefs. Cows To Call Home: Tricks Trades.Dances With Wolves, Dinner Times, Bears Lost. Jewish Hits, Hogs And Dogs, $ Cents. Shooting Curves Ball Games, Pitchers Writers, Tips To Tales: 
Bill Bailey's photo.

Walking on sunshine, good times, feels so good, times to share, the bumps in the road, the lessons learned, to teach, to learn, daily events.They say you should live each day to the fullest.The Secret To Failure Is This: Trying To Please Everyone.Lyons Dick Wonders: Lyon Sacks: Jewish Style.
Bill Bailey's photo.

Simple. Esbats, Honoring the Sabbats, rituals etc. Snakes And Frogs, Dicks Out Of The Box, Donkeys To Ride.Faces in the herds, rotten nuts to grow, good time toads, suckers for free, across the nation. Dances With Wolves, Dinner Times, Bears Lost. Jewish Hits, Hogs And Dogs, $ Cents. Shooting Curves Ball Games, Pitchers Writers, Tips To Tales: 

Bill Bailey's photo.

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